Thursday, 12 January 2017

Stepper motor with driver

Some of members asked me " How to rotate STEPPER MOTOR continuously with certain angle like 45͒ in any direction like clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. So this type of output we can easily get, only if  stepper motor is interfacing with the driver. This driver is also called controller. The name of that controller is L297. For more details, I can't mention here if you required more details about driver Click this link.

In this post I will show you how to connect stepper motor to this driver. And check how it works as I mentioned above such as clockwise/anticlockwise direction with Full/half wave.

Simply for understanding Full wave means    -- Rotate 90͒  with initial angle of stepper motor.
                                          Half wave means   -- Rotate 45͒  with initial angle of stepper motor.

By simply connect this driver to stepper motor as you seen below for connections

In this simple circuit we want to know about 5-pins of the driver. They are

1. Enable pin                                :- To enable driver, this pin is always in active high

2. Reset pin                                  :- Is used to reset the circuit and brings back to its original state.

3. Half / Full pin                           :- Is used to rotate half angle or full step angle.
                                                         Logic-1 for Half step angle 0-45-90-135-180...
                                                         Logic-0 for Full step angle 0-90-180-270-360...
4. Cw/ccw pin                              :- Clock wise / counter clock wise (Anti clock wise) directions.                                                                  This pins helps to move forward or backward.
                                                          Logic-1 Clockwise or forward direction
                                                          Logic-0 Counter clockwise or backward direction.

5. Clock pin                                  :- This pin is used to increase the speed based on your applied                                                                    clock frequencies.

This simple circuit is not work with more effectively in real time so we need to add an extra drive i.e L298 Dual Full-bridge drive, which is used to drive stepper motor runs effectively in real time operation along with L297 driver. If you want to get more details about L298 driver Click this link.

I will show the circuit how to connect the L298 driver to stepper motor along with L297 driver.


This circuit is works in real time with more accurate and this help to fast stopping the stepper motor.

See the below video to understand easily and this video shows the different modes in stepper motor as you seen in the datasheet.

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