Saturday, 14 January 2017

Clock pulse generator using Timers in 8051

In last post we were seeing the Description of Timers and How to calculate the Time delay. So now we can generate clock pulse using the Delay function by using Timers. Before going to that you must read this post Click the link to see that post. Lets do this small concept, first we write the code to generate the clock pulse in 8051.

Code :-

sbit led=P2^0;
void delay()


            TMOD = 0x01;              // Timer0 mode1
            TH0 = 0xFC;                 // Initial value for 1ms in TH0 and TL0
TL0 = 0x66;
            TR0 = 1;                        // To Enable the Timer-0
            while(TF0==0);              // check overflow condition
                        TR0 = 0;                         // Timer-0 Disable 
                        TF0 = 0;                          // Clear flag


void main()

led = 1;                            // Led is ON for 1ms
delay();                            // Delay function for 1ms 
led = 0;                            // Led is OFF for 1ms

This is the simple code to generate clock pulse. If you execute this code you get this type of result see below. The below figure shows the clock pulse with 1ms ON and  1ms OFF.

Hardware Simulation:-

I run this code in Proteus software, the Hardware circuit is look like this

This clock pulse is play an important role in Embedded systems mainly in Digital circuits. Their is no need to extra circuit to generate clock pulse. They are so many application by applications by using clock pulse I will show in my next few posts.

For clear understanding you see the below video.

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