Monday, 16 January 2017

How to interface stepper motor to 8051 using Driver

We are already seen that " Stepper motor interfacing with 8051" Click the link to see that post this post is without driver and we also seen that "Stepper motor with driver" Click the link to see that post in this post their is no micro-controller. Now I am Interfacing all these thing in one. What I am going to show is "How to interface stepper motor to 8051 using Driver". In this post we are controlling the driver by using 8051 and we don't need any external clock generator, here one of the pin in 8051 acts as a clock pulse generator. Lets see how it is ?

Now before going to the coding part first we have to get an idea of the code by seeing the Hardware Circuit.

This is the Hardware Circuit. If we start simulation, first the Stepper motor is rotate in Half wave mode in Clockwise direction. Clock pulse is assign to pin P2.4 of 8051, here I use 1 sec time period. If we press the full wave button then Stepper motor starts run in Full wave mode. Similarly If we press the Anti-Clockwise button the stepper motor runs in anti-clockwise direction either in Full wave or Half wave mode. Now we are going to Coding part.

Code :- 

#include <regx51.h>
sbit En=P2^0;                                  // Enable pin is set to P2.0
sbit Rs=P2^1;                                  // Reset pin is set to P2.1
sbit H_F=P2^2;                                // Half / Full pin is set to P2.2
sbit Cw_Ccw=P2^3;                          // Clockwise / Counter CW pin is set to P2.3
sbit Clock=P2^4;                              // Clock pin is set to P2.4
sbit Stop_Button=P1^0;                    // To stop the Stepper motor
sbit F_Button = P1^2;                       // Half wave Button
sbit Ccw_Button = P1^4;                   // Anti Clockwise Button

void delay()                                          // 500ms Delay function using Timers
int count=0;
while(count!=500)                              // This loop Counts 500 times
       TMOD = 0x01;                              // Timer0 mode1
       TH0 = 0xFC;                                //initial value for 1ms in TH0 and TL0
      TL0 = 0x66;
       TR0 = 1;                                        // To Enable the Timer-0
         while(!TF0);                                 // check overflow condition
            TR0 = 0;                                   // Timer-0 Disable
            TF0 = 0;                                   // Clear flag
void clock_pulse()                 // Using Delay we Generate Clock pulse
Clock = 1;                           // This clock pulse assign to P2.4
Clock = 0;

void Stop()                            //  Stop Function
   En = 1;                             //To stop the Stepper motor we need this
 Rs = 0;

void Half_wave()                   // Half wave function                
 clock_pulse();                    // Used to run the S-motor in Half wave mode
H_F = 1;

void Full_wave()                    // Full wave function                

 clock_pulse();                    // Used to run the S-motor in Full-wave mode
  H_F = 0;

void main()                          // Main Function
  En = 0;                           // Initailly all pins set to 0
  Rs = 1;                           // Except Reset pin
  H_F = 0;
  Cw_Ccw = 0;
                if(Stop_Button==0)             // Condition for Stop the S-motor
                else if(Ccw_Button==0)       // Condition for S-motor runs in Anti-Clock wise direction
                        En = 1;
                          Rs = 1;
                        Cw_Ccw = 0;
                                 if(F_Button==0)         // Condition for Full wave mode
                                        Half_wave();        // Condition for Half wave mode
                 {                                               // Initial this condition is active.
                        En = 1;
                        Rs = 1;              
Cw_Ccw = 1;                          // Used to run S-motor in Clockwise direction



See the code carefully this code is very simple to understand. See the below video it shows how it works.

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